lcy01 发表于 2022-9-27 18:19:07

幻想过很多遍的事情 往往不会实现

" 幻想过很多遍的事情 往往不会实现,意料之外的事情,却总是扑面而来 ! "

"Things that have been imagined many times often do not come true, and unexpected things always come to us!"" 若想彻底认清自己,不妨多留意一下别人在气急败坏时对你所说过的话,毕竟气话就是失控的真心话 ! "

"If you want to understand yourself completely, you might as well pay more attention to what others have said to you when you are in a hurry. After all, angry words are true words that are out of control!"

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