
标题: 年纪轻轻的我就过着月入十万还差九万八的日子 [打印本页]

作者: lcy01    时间: 2022-7-28 17:19
标题: 年纪轻轻的我就过着月入十万还差九万八的日子
” 用人情做出来的朋友只是暂时的,用人格吸引来的朋友才事长久的,要知道丰富自己比取悦他人更有力量 !“

"Friends made with human affection are only temporary, friends attracted with personality are long-lasting. You must know that enriching yourself is more powerful than pleasing others!"” 别在一件事上纠结太久,纠结久了,你会累,会厌,会烦,会伤心,实际上到最后,你不是跟事过不去,而是跟自己过不去 !“

"Don't be entangled in one thing for too long. If you are entangled for a long time, you will be tired, tired, annoyed, and sad. In fact, in the end, you will not get along with things, but with yourself!"最近运气真的背,输了大几十个,都没钱跟我女朋友出去了,觉得我这样下去她都要和别人跑了。。。有天看尤文的官微看到赞助商叫歐寶sports。找到进去一看,没想到这行还能给人一种高大尚的感觉,哈哈。想着试试看,噻事直博这个倒是搞得挺好,有些比赛没地方看,上面还能看,清晰也流畅,一时没忍住我就下了三把博蛋,中了3w多。转身体鲜给我女朋友买了个LV包,她开心了,我也算过了这关了。世界杯也快了,最近就小玩玩,等到时候来一波大的,给她搞辆车,哈哈哈。” 人谁没失败过,小孩学走路啊,都知道摔倒了爬起来再走,人又不是生下来就会走路的,小小失败就自暴自弃,有头脑的人啊,听了就会明白,还需要人劝吗 ?“

"Anyone who has never failed, a child learning to walk, knows that after a fall, he gets up and walks again. People are not born to walk, and if they fail a little, they give up on themselves. A wise person will understand after listening. Do you still need advice?"

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